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Lot-I Construction of Balance Civil Works Package:
Lot-I for Diversion Channel, Coffer Dams, Dam,
Spillway & Stilling Basin, Intake structure,
Desilting Chambers, SFT, HRT, Surge Shaft,
Pressure Shaft, Surface Power House, TRC and other
associated structures etc.

LOA awarded on 27.08.2021 to M/s Rithwik-HIPL Joint Venture


Lot-II Ex-Works Supply and Installation of All
Equipment and Materials Including Mandatory Tools
& Tackles & Mandatory Spares For Hydro Mechanical

LOA awarded on 28.06.2021 to M/s PES Engineers (P) Limited, Hyderabad


Package - EM-1 (i)
Balance supply of Turbine, Governor, MIV,
Generator, Cooling water System and Cabling System
including store management, supervision of
erection and testing and commissioning of complete
Power House.

LOA awarded on 01.04.2022 to M/s Andritz.


Package - EM-1 (ii)
Erection works w.r.t the items supplied under
Package EM-1 (i)

LOA awarded to M/s Fitwell Constructions, Trivandrum on 31.01.2022.


Package - EM -2
Supply, Installation & Commissioning of Balance
of Plant (BOP) items comprising of 11 KV Bus duct,
GSU Transformer, 245 KV GIS, Outdoor Pothead Yard
equipment, 220V DC System, Protection system, MV
switchgear, LV switchgear & auxiliary transformer,
Illumination system, HVAC system, Grounding system
and fire-fighting system (BOP package)

LOA awarded to Andritz on 08.07.2021


Package - EM-3
Supply, Installation & Commissioning of
Transmission system comprising of 220 KV D/C
transmission line from Rangit-IV HEP to New Melli
Pooling station of PGCIL along with PLCC / OPGW
communication system and 2 Nos. 220 KV GIS bay &
associated equipment at New Melli Pooling

Project specific arrangement signed between JPCL and PGCIL on 04.02.2022.


Package - EM-4
Supply, Installation & Commissioning of
Excitation System and Control & Monitoring

LOA awarded to Andritz on 09.12.2021.


Package - EM-5
Supply, Installation & Commissioning of Drainage
& Dewatering System and Compressed Air system

LOA awarded to BC Technomation on 09.12.2021.


Package - EM-6
Supply, Installation & Commissioning of
Lubricating Oil Filtration System

LOA awarded to CBS technologies on 24.01.2022.


Refurbishment of 150 T EOT Crane of PH

LOA awarded to JD Hoists and Cranes, Delhi on 27.05.2022.


NCLT :CP(IB)No.264/7/HDB/2018 ,admitted

Power Finance Corporation Vs. Jal Power Corporation Ltd.



Draft MGT-7 FY 2023-24

Annual Report FY 2023-24


Regd. Office:
Ramnagar Cross Road,
Ram Nagar,