The Government of Sikkim as a part of national drive for the development of Hydro Potential of the country has awarded Rangit Stage-IV Hydro Electric Project to Jal Power Corporation Limited on 1st Nov. 2004. An agreement for setting up of Rangit Stage-IV Hydro Electric Project was signed with the Govt. of Sikkim on 9th December, 2005 on Build, Own, Operate and Transfer (BOOT) basis under joint sector with the State Government through Sikkim Power Development Corporation (SPDC). The project, a Run of the River (ROR) scheme, envisages installation of 3 no.s Francis Turbine driven Generating Units of 40 MW each at a rated head of 103.67m in a surface Power House....More

Lot-I Construction of Balance
Civil Works Package: Lot-I for
Diversion Channel, Coffer
Dams, Dam, Spillway & Stilling
Basin, Intake structure,
Desilting Chambers, SFT, HRT,
Surge Shaft, Pressure Shaft,
Surface Power House, TRC and
other associated structures
Lot-II Ex-Works Supply and
Installation of All Equipment
and Materials Including
Mandatory Tools & Tackles &
Mandatory Spares For Hydro
Mechanical Works
Package - EM-1 (i)
Balance supply of Turbine,
Governor, MIV, Generator,
Cooling water System and
Cabling System including store
management, supervision of
erection and testing and
commissioning of complete
Power House.
Package - EM-1 (ii)
Erection works w.r.t the
items supplied under Package
EM-1 (i)
Package - EM -2
Supply, Installation &
Commissioning of Balance of
Plant (BOP) items comprising
of 11 KV Bus duct, GSU
Transformer, 245 KV GIS,
Outdoor Pothead Yard
equipment, 220V DC System,
Protection system, MV
switchgear, LV switchgear &
auxiliary transformer,
Illumination system, HVAC
system, Grounding system and
fire-fighting system (BOP
Package - EM-3
Supply, Installation &
Commissioning of Transmission
system comprising of 220 KV
D/C transmission line from
Rangit-IV HEP to New Melli
Pooling station of PGCIL along
with PLCC / OPGW communication
system and 2 Nos. 220 KV GIS
bay & associated equipment at
New Melli Pooling Station
Package - EM-4
Supply, Installation &
Commissioning of Excitation
System and Control &
Monitoring System
Package - EM-5
Supply, Installation &
Commissioning of Drainage &
Dewatering System and
Compressed Air system
Package - EM-6
Supply, Installation &
Commissioning of Lubricating
Oil Filtration System
Refurbishment of 150 T EOT
Crane of PH
NCLT :CP(IB)No.264/7/HDB/2018
,admitted on09.04.2019

To achieve excellence in all aspects of Hydro Power development by adopting State-of-the-art technologies & best practices matching International levels.

Project completion
114 days to go

Hurt free days at Project
1249 days

Corporate Insolvency Resolution Process
  Visitor No. 60947